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What stage of business are you at?
Are you interested in knowing when we have flash sales, special deals, and promotions?

Generate sales whenever you want, wherever you want.

Learn exactly what to say for the perfect sales conversation, generate more inbound inquires than you can reasonably handle and get the lurkers off the fence once and for all


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…and yet it’s incredible how many people don’t know where their next sale is coming from.

It doesn’t matter how good you are at what you do…

…if you don’t know how to create and close sales conversations, you’ll always struggle. 

Maybe you’ve got to the point where you’re making sales from occasional referrals, some kind of funnel, and a lot of praying and hoping.

Or maybe you’ve figured out this sales thing but you’re ready for a relaxed way to have more sales conversations at the same time, so you can increase your revenue.

Either way…

…it’s possible to get to a point where you confidently create and close multiple sales conversations at the same time, without needing to schedule meetings or even be at your desk.

In fact, you can close sales as you wait in line for a coffee, on your daily walk, at the gym, on the school run, by the pool.. wherever you want or need to.

Selling in the DMs is one of the most flexible, chill ways to make sales on demand in your business.

But most people do this wrong…

Generating sales on demand is one of the most important skills you can learn in your business…

There’s a reason you feel resistance when you think of selling in the DMs.

You see examples of this done badly every day, with cold DMs flooding your inbox and people pitching you their services, without so much as a “hello.”

This is how NOT to do it.

No one ever bought from a desperate-sounding cold pitch that lacks personality and any proof the person knows what you *really* want.

The reason it feels so gross?

People think the goal of a sales conversation is to close the sale.

But a successful sales conversation is NOT a sale. It’s both parties arriving at a clear decision about whether or not they want to move forward. 

Sales is not persuading.
Sales is not convincing.
Sales is not asking for money.

Authentic sales is clear communication between two people. It’s a relationship skill and when you understand this, you become masterful at helping people get what they really want – CERTAINTY. 

I’ve created a framework for this that’s both simple and effective.

A way that doesn’t rely on you sending 100 cold DMs a day (or any cold DMs for that matter).

A way that’s enjoyable for you and the people you’re selling to.

A way that opens up a sales conversation without being high-pressured and manipulative.

A way that has people saying “thank you” because your sales conversation felt supportive and natural.

Selling in the DMs doesn’t have to be sleazy.

Generate sales whenever you want, wherever you want.

Learn exactly what to say for the perfect sales conversation, generate more inbound inquires than you can reasonably handle and get the lurkers off the fence once and for all

Delivered live from
June 10th to 13th, 2024.

The Content Emporium

Learn exactly what to say for the perfect sales conversation, generate more inbound inquires than you can reasonably handle and get the lurkers off the fence once and for all



here's what we'll cover in our live training

  • The psychology of sales & buyer decision making
  • How to structure a sales conversation
  • How to ask the right questions
  • The art of empowered decision making
  • How to get people off the fence
  • Generating inbound leads into your DMs
  • Follow up sequence that increases sales by 300-400%
  • The Case Study Close
  • The Assessment Close 

  • The psychology of sales & buyer decision making
  • How to structure a sales conversation
  • How to ask the right questions
  • The art of empowered decision making
  • How to get people off the fence
  • Generating inbound leads into your DMs
    (This generates 30-200 inbound a day when I use it)
  • Follow up sequence that increases sales by 300-400%
  • The Case Study Close
  • The Assessment Close (increases conversion by ~30%)

PLUS, you’ll get:

How to qualify good clients (so you can say BYE Phylicia to the headaches you regret)

After this training, you’ll:

Know EXACTLY what to say at every step - never fumble or get stuck again!

Feel confident in the process, knowing you can bring in more sales whenever you need to

Actually enjoy and LOVE the process, because it’s authentic, easy, and done with integrity–not just to get a yes from someone

Filter out and qualify the people who aren’t a fit for your offer, so you don’t waste time with people who don’t have the money, aren’t serious, or aren’t a good fit

My exact scripts & conversation templates

Boundaries in the DM’s (How to protect your time and energy with grace and integrity)

When you sign up, you'll unlock access to 5 powerful pre-work modules designed to set you up for success.

(This generates 30-200 inbound a day when I use it)

(increases conversion by ~30%)

  • The Psychology Of Selling In The DMs
  • Closing In The DM's & How To Answer Common Questions
  • How to Structure a Sales Call: Live Demonstration
  • Sales Mindset: Deciding How People Buy From You
  • The Buyer Journey

* PLUS 7 monthly installments of $100



Hey, I’m Phoebe Kuhn. Business Coach and Marketing Expert. I went from working at one of the world’s leading advertising agencies to launching my coaching business, and building The Content Emporium from the ground up into a million-dollar brand.

In 2021, I created this framework for selling in the DMs and it transformed how I launched, sold, and brought in money for my business.

I stopped doing sales calls and started making more money, no matter what my schedule looked like.

Since then, I’ve honed this system and it’s now a lever I can pull whenever I want to make a specific amount of $$$.

For example, in the most recent launch of my Messaging program, in October 2023… 

We had 600 people on the waitlist. 

I was anticipating that this would be a $500,000 launch. The signs were good, people had attended the webinar and raved about it, our ads were killing it...

There were 72 hours to go and we had only generated about $97,000. 

A small fraction of what we expected. 

So I rolled up my sleeves and put my signature Selling in the DMs process to work.

What happened in the next 72 hours? 

I had about 400 sales conversations & closed an extra $209,000 in sales, all in the DMs.

And all in one weekend. 

I saved the business. 
I made my house payment. 

& the most important thing is I can do this at any time because I have the skill and I have a process that consistently produces results. 

Imagine what it could do for your business if you were confident in your skills to turn around a launch, or knew that if you had a sales target, you could hit it whenever you needed to by tapping into this one skill.

That’s exactly what I’ll show you how to do in this training.

Learning this one skill can increase your revenue for years to come, whatever’s going on in the economy… 

success stories

success stories

Enroll Now


* PLUS 7 monthly installments of $100
  • The psychology of sales & buyer decision making
  • How to structure a sales conversation
  • How to ask the right questions
  • The art of empowered decision making
  • How to get people off the fence
  • Generating inbound leads into your DMs 
  • Follow up sequence that increases sales by 300-400%
  • The Case Study Close
  • The Assessment Close

The Pre-Work Modules
  • The Psychology Of Selling In The DMs
  • Closing In The DM's & How To Answer Common Questions
  • How to Structure a Sales Call: Live Demonstration
  • Sales Mindset: Deciding How People Buy From You
  • The Buyer Journey
Plus, you’ll get:

➡️ BONUS #1: How to qualify good clients (so you can say BYE Phylicia to the headaches you regret)
➡️ BONUS #2: My exact scripts & conversation templates
➡️ BONUS #3: Boundaries in the DM’s (How to protect your time and energy with grace and integrity) (edited)  protect your time and energy

  • The psychology of sales & buyer decision making
  • How to structure a sales conversation
  • How to ask the right questions
  • The art of empowered decision making
  • How to get people off the fence
  • Generating inbound leads into your DMs (This generates 30-200 inbound a day when I use it)
  • Follow up sequence that increases sales by 300-400%
  • The Case Study Close
  • The Assessment Close (increases conversion by ~30%)

The Pre-Work Modules
  • The Psychology Of Selling In The DMs
  • Closing In The DM's & How To Answer Common Questions
  • How to Structure a Sales Call: Live Demonstration
  • Sales Mindset: Deciding How People Buy From You
  • The Buyer Journey

Plus, you’ll get:

➡️ BONUS #1: How to qualify good clients (so you can say BYE Phylicia to the headaches you regret)
➡️ BONUS #2: My exact scripts & conversation templates
➡️ BONUS #3: Boundaries in the DM’s (How to protect your time and energy with grace and integrity) protect your time and energy

You get all of this inside:

(This generates 30-200 inbound a day when I use it)

(increases conversion by ~30%)

Got questions? 

Is this going to take me long to implement?

The lessons in this training are designed to be short but impactful. If you’ve been to any of my trainings before, you know the drill - no fluff, no BS. Just straight-up tips you can implement ASAP. 

You’ll be able to watch the videos quickly and implement this straight away with the easy-to-adapt frameworks.

Do I get access to Phoebe if I buy this?

No. There are no calls or coaching included. Selling in the DMs is a self-study course. There are no live calls or coaching of any kind.

Do you offer refunds?

No, sorry. Due to the digital nature and instant access to this product, we don’t offer any refunds. Read the sales page and ask the questions you’ve got BEFORE you purchase and access the program.

I’ve been in business for a while. Do I need this?

If you suck at sales, you're not going to convert leads to clients. If you’re just okay at sales, you’ll struggle to scale. And if you don’t have a proven process rooted in the new empowered way of doing business, you’re likely consciously or unconsciously manipulating your community to buy.

Even if you’ve been in business for a while and you’ve sold dozens of coaching spots, you still need to refine and optimise this skillset to scale your business with ease.

If growing or scaling your business is on your vision board and you don’t confidently close sales in the DMs, you’ll walk away from this training with a new, refined skillset that’ll take your business to the next level.

I think this is perfect for me, but I'd like to be sure. Can I talk to someone?

Of course! Message me directly on Instagram @phoebekuhn. I’d be super happy to answer any questions you might have!

Or email and the team will make sure you have all the deets!

This is for you if:

You don’t actually know how to get people in your DMs - every time you ask, your inbox looks like tumbleweed instead of popping off with engaged potential buyers

You’re looking for the tweaks that’ll help you increase your sales, without it taking up all your time

You’re a busy mum (or just have a hectic schedule) and you need to squeeze more sales from the limited time you have. Between running errands, a business, and caring for your family, there’s not a lot of spare time to work with!

Selling makes you feel icky - you don’t want to feel like you’re convincing, persuading or asking for money 

Once you have sales conversations, you don’t have a way to qualify prospects → so you get clients who aren’t a fit, who are just browsing, or aren’t serious about doing the work

You’ll walk away from this with a system you can use to confidently bring in sales, whenever and wherever you need to.

Does this work for high ticket offers? And do you mean landing discovery calls or closing the sale in the DMs?

Yes, it absolutely works for high ticket offers. I've personally closed $20k to $55k packages directly in the DMs without needing a sales call.

What size following do you need to see these results?

I've had students with just a few hundred followers see results by applying these principles in Facebook Groups to generate inbound leads. You don't need a massive following. What's more important is how engaged your audience is, the strength of your brand, the quality of your content, and your offer. We need to consider your entire business ecosystem. I can't make assumptions without knowing your business, but there are many factors that influence the effectiveness of the sales system. Think of your business like a human body—lots of parts working together.

Do you DM people who aren’t following you?

I never, ever cold DM anyone. I think it’s gross. We don't teach any outbound methods. Instead, we focus on a sales system that leverages your existing followers and audience—people who have already opted into communication from you.

Does this work for events/retreats or only services & courses?

I'd definitely use it for events or retreats. The only thing it wouldn’t work for is eCommerce.


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