Master the algorithm, create attention grabbing carousels, reels that get shared, and stories that sell… so you can get seen & get paid.


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It makes it easier than ever before to reach the people who are actually looking for you. 

Thanks to the rise of platforms like Insta, we have the ability to put our work in front of literally billions of people. Gone are the days when you needed to pay to put a print Ad in a magazine or on a billboard. In our digital world, all you need to get started is a smart phone. 

It’s never been easier than it is right now to start and scale an online business. 

& it’s time to capitalise on the opportunity of a lifetime. 

Social Media is hands down, the most powerful free tool that exists to market your business. 

The people that have insanely successful online businesses all have one thing in common:

they learned how to use social media, TO SELL. 

99% of business owners aren’t even scratching the surface...

when it comes to utilising the potential of their profile…

and it’s severely hurting their bottom line. 

I started my business in 2018 and didn’t figure out how to leverage the Gram properly until January 2022. For 3 and a half years I kept delaying and resisting learning how to create Gram specific content because I thought “I’m a long form writer. I’m not a designer & I’m just not good with social media.” 

That belief cost me millions. 
Rewiring it made me millions. 

If there’s one thing I wish I did sooner, it’s mastering The Art of Social Media. 

Here’s the thing. 

Every platform requires content to be adapted into a specific format. 

You might know how to sell, but can you sell from stories?
You might know how to build relationships, but can you build parasocial relationships?
The difference between creating content versus creating content specifically for the Gram is one gains traction and the other doesn’t. 

Unless your content is adapted to a Gram specific format, it will never gain the traction you desire. 

Is this you?

Your story views are low (less than 5% of your overall follower count)

Your posts only get a few likes and comments

The idea of doing reels makes you cringe

Designing fancy carousels feels overwhelming

You look at people who have huge audiences on the Gram and think “but I don’t have the time”

You’re not sure where to begin 


The Content Emporium

Master the algorithm, create attention grabbing carousels, reels that get shared, and stories that sell… so you can get seen & get paid.

What you’ll learn:

Module one

Building deeper relationships

  • Parasocial relationships 
  • Let your audience get to know you 
  • Creating behind-the-scenes content
  • Taking your audience on the journey
  • Prompts/ideas for interesting story content

Module Two

Newsfeed Content 

  • Creating carousels people are obsessed with
  • My carousel process
  • Why carousels work (The second slide)
  • Formats (vertical vs square) 

Module Three

Selling from stories

  • How to do mini trainings
  • Selling From Stories
  • Don’t sell from the feed, sell from stories
  • How to spike engagement when your story views drop 
  • Utilising stickers & story features

Module Four

  • The Gram Funnel
  • Utilising your highlights
  • How to leverage case studies/testimonials
  • Your first 12 feed posts & how to use pinned posts
  • Using links & optimising your bio

The Social Media Sales Funnel

Module Five

Reels & Video 

  • Reels (without dancing or pointing) 


PLUS, 2 new live sessions
  • NEW Reels Workshop: learn how to make more aesthetic reels, faster & easier that tell a story and get shared

  • NEW Algorithm Workshop: latest updates on beating the algorithm (I’ll also share a personal recommendation on how to un-do shadow bans if you’re banned or want this in your back pocket, just in case)

success stories

"#win !! I just posted on TikTok and IG to help teach my audience what they need to know before they come to me, as per Phoebe's advice.

AND I got out of my stuckness with my email series I had paused because I was letting my fear of responsibilites for my big dreams take over, seen thanks to Phoebe's coaching!, 

To say this is such a relief to be confidently MOVING, and very soon with a tested methodology & structure here to amplify that movement, is such an UNDERSTATEMENT of my 5 years of desire to create a biz so I can start to fulfill my dreams.

Thank you Phoebe!! <happy sigh> 😊 — feeling great."

Carlene Maria

"#win after our call this morning, I followed my intuition by sharing some videos of me speaking on IG.

It was shared 3 hours ago and I’ve received amazing feedback already, including positive feedback from current clients and DMs from other people (aligned with ideal client descriptions) saying they really needed to hear the message."

Ashley Whelan

"#win The level of engagement I’m receiving has gone thru the roof.

I went from MAYBE getting like 10-30 likes on any given post to upwards of 150 WITH massive comments and engagements - a lot of “man this speaks right to me”.

Really cannot stress enough just how much being YOU and sharing the vulnerable stuff that your intuition guides you to is GOLD. Do not sleep on that. This is a literal game changer. 

Mad love ❤️"

Shakti Rios-Zuluaga


Is this a live program, or pre recorded?

When you enroll, you will get instant access to The Art of Social Media self-study course. For our 2024 live intake, there will be two bonus live calls, where you will learn the latest updates on the algorithm and how to succeed with social media in 2024. You will get the opportunity to ask questions live on zoom.

I’ve enrolled in some of your other programs, do I get access to this? 

If you enrolled in The Messaging Mentorship or The Messaging Program in 2023 and paid in full, you should already have access automatic access to this program. If you don’t see it in your portal get in touch with and the team will make sure you have access 

If you enrolled in The Art of Social Media in 2023, you will automatically get access to the NEW material + the live calls of our 2024 cohort

What is the refund policy?

All sales are final for this course. Due to the inherent nature of educational programs and the electronic transmission of the same, there are no refunds. So make sure you read the sales page, ask the questions you’ve got BEFORE you purchase and access the program.

I think this is perfect of me, but I'd like to be sure. Can I talk to someone?

Of course! Message me directly on Instagram @phoebekuhn. I’d be super happy to answer any questions you might have!

Or email and the team will make sure you have all the deets!


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